I must confess that every time i see the videos on youtube about the fema coffins around te country and the denver international airport murals,i get fucking scared. What is our government up to??? you Watch those videos,you wn't be horny anymore. Fema coffins,,,and denveinternational airport murals. Go to youtube and type them in search box. Our time in the usa maybe about up............
Replies 23

Are they planning to enforce population control the evil way this is really messed up

Aids coffins? There are 500,000 in georgia alone. No this is more sinister. I beleave there going to release a virous that only a chosen few will get the cure. New World Order. Less people in the world,more resouses for the few. Water oil,food crops,you name it. The shit is about to hit the fan folks. Indeana has 10 miles of coffins..check it out on youtube....fucking sick

niggers have an aids rate of 10% right now. thats expected to jump dramatically in the next few years. obama shitstains healthcare, will eliminate help for the deviant mud races, thus hastening their demise. so, the cardboard bodybags are needed, for the upcoming apocalypse of the shitskins.

And you know that's a myth right? That there are a lot of pointless bullshit that people make up? People always look to find stupid shit to obsess about with ZERO proof.

A myth,there right there you moaron. Videos and picks. Hell i even went to google earth and typed in madison georgia,and found them on a satilite pick. I think w need to get our head out of our ass and hand off our cocks,and see what is going on. Something is comeing to america and its not pretty.. All you have to do is type in google search,,,,,fema coffins,,,,or denver international airport murals and watch all the videos. New World Order shit is real. Think about it,How much longer do you think our resorses can last at our poppulations groath? To many people in the world. Not enough to go around for much longer. Myth my ass. WAKE UP PEOPLE. LOOK AROUND,THE SHIT IS ABOUT TO HIT THE FAN. We are so buisy looking at porn or watching sports,or family stuff. We are not seeing whats going down. And there eyes were coverd with vails,,,the bible......


To the Ass hole above,thanks for the spelling test,sorry I felled, One must understand,its not how the message was written,or if it was spelled right. What matters,was the message. And by the way,knowing people like you exist,makes me understand why a chosen few want to exsterminate us.

Read that and tell me there is some conspiracy. There will always need to be coffin liners for coffins. So they should get rid of them because your stupid ass looks and sees something totally different then what they are used for? Come on! Get a fucking life.

Go to Alex Jones website.... http://www.infowars.com/ this will scare the hell out of you!

Thats all good and dandy...What about denver international Airport. the murals,the tunuls. Exsplain that hot shot.....

Murals painted in the baggage claim area have been claimed to contain themes referring to future military oppression and a one-world government. However, the artist, Leo Tanguma, said the murals, entitled "In Peace and Harmony With Nature" and "The Children of the World Dream of Peace," depict man-made environmental destruction and genocide along with humanity coming together to heal nature and live in peace.
In the mid-1990s, Philip Schneider gave lectures about highly secretive government information concerning "deep underground military bases" that were constructed by the United States government, and said that one of these bases exists underneath the Denver International Airport. Author Alex Christopher claimed to have worked in the tunnels under the airport, and described what appeared to be vast holding areas for prisoners, strange nausea-inducing electromagnetic forces, and caverns big enough to drive trucks through, presumably to be filled with helpless political prisoners. This theory has been challenged, since photos have revealed that these tunnels are used for transportation of baggage by way of conveyor belts
Conspiracists have pointed to unusual words cut into the floor as being Satanic, Masonic, or just some impenetrable secret code of the New World Order: Cochetopa, Sisnaajini, and the baffling Dzit Dit Gaii.[49] These words are actually Navajo terms for geographical sites in Colorado. "Braaksma" and "Villarreal" are actually the names of Carolyn Braaksma and Mark Villarreal, artists who worked on the airport�s sculptures and paintings.

Yea,above,you are brain washed. What about the Masonic dedication. World Airport commission contributors. There is no such thing. yea feel in those blanks...http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_denver05.htm#Additional_sources_of_information_or_theories

Read the last link. If you stare enough at something, you can change them into what you want to see, not reality. The artist explained everything that he felt when he created the art. And if a swastika was used to create the look of the building (which it doesn't look at all like a swastika) why do they have a NON WHITE man doing artistry about the supposed genocide of citizens? That makes no sense whatsoever. The problem is that you have uneducated fucks like you that can't even piece together coherent sentences trying to explain bullshit theories with no background. Conspiracy theories always work like this. Take something that looks odd, over analyze, then throw out any information that doesn't fit your agenda.
The video proves nothing, shows images that are not even FROM Denver Airport and makes bold claims that don't have any reference or backing. Pretty weak claims bro.

Can you prove there not from denver INTERNATINAL AIRPORT? Not denver airpot...DIA..Prove that....Underline the I....and by the way,there is an 8 story building under the DENVER INTERNATINAL AIRPORT. Not the denver airport.....but the denver INTERNATINAL airport....They said the buildings were in the wrong spot. why did they not tair them down? they buried them?? Why? And by the way,they sure have a alot of oil in tanks by that airport. Why are you so much wanting to discreadit this? Do you work there?????

By the way,for the rest of you,,watch,,,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDTKb_yu0ek&feature=related

None of these have any sorts of proof. There is no references. They make assumptions based on outward appearances. If there is underground bunkers, show us. Of course there is going to be production around the airport, they want to build hotels and infrastructure. Those links do nothing more then make you look like an idiot. Who are they? What did they say?
You take things like cables and designs and transform them into something that seems like a government base.
I could analyze Call of Duty Modern Warfare and say that the elite are trying to create some super soldier or that they want to show us what they will do to the world in the nuke scene. Then find some guy that worked on the game that is Jewish and make connections about his past to make it seem like he is forecasting the takeover of the US. When in reality, it is a fucking game. That's what reading too much into things gets you. Especially things you don't even understand so you rely on people that are uneducated to make video documentaries with some images that are made up and ideas that are regurgitated from so many different conspiracy theories.