@allyssa you shove dry dildos in your ass and get fucked by girls using dry strapons? dayum
@vaginas on the other hand I love reading comments because I sometimes find hilarity.
I think I remember seeing this girl in random ads on the internet for random sites 2 or so years ago
aw shit I robbed a pimp. Gotta gtf outta town now.
wish I could be fucking that ass
such a turn on
this is very hot
just looks like a very happy cat. My cats do this to me too and they stab my sides while doing this. Which is actually quite annoying tbh
haha seems like an awesome cat
The irony of this vid is that I've threatened my cats with this but I've never done it.
damn that's a nice ass
mmmmmmm really yummy
wow what a hot ass
I've seen these two a few times. Glad you uploaded. was definitely worth it
wow been tryin to find this for ages. glad you uploaded it. I can't remember when I watched this last lol
that's a great pic
what a nice woman.
this is a great upload
that cat sure loves milk
looks like the stuff I only fantasized about when I was in school
her appearance reminds me of an ex I was with. I think that's where most of my interest in this vid came from.
she has a beautiful ass...
fuck, this makes me want to be in her ass
wow she's beautiful.
wow I can't believe what I just saw. This is beautiful.
and they say this stuff only happens in hentai.
all I can say is wow
that's actually amazing but if she isn't careful she's going to end up injuring herself. Pulling groin muscles isn't too fun.
I remember this... first time I ever watched lux
Wish I knew this person to be honest. Seems like fun.