Your Hijab 🧕 Wife is Pregnant 🤰 with a black man’s baby and sending you pictures of how far along she is and loves that you are happy about it.
I ❤️ Cuckold Hijab couples.
Your Hijab 🧕 Wife is Pregnant 🤰 with a black man’s baby and sending you pictures of how far along she is and loves that you are happy about it.
I ❤️ Cuckold Hijab couples.
Dm me / Private message me if you’re a female who is interested in anal therapy sessions in Worcester or Western Massachusetts areas.
(Worcester Mass)
I’m looking for that local non-jealous beer drinking easy to talk to easy to be around cuckold husband/boyfriend/master wants to find a local black man to fuck his wife/girlfriend/slave female/female family member in the ass.
I’m looking for that obedient super submissive wife think she is ready for anal therapy sessions
Please check out my profile pictures and post first before you decide to private message me.
I’m a black daddy dom who is looking for a very open minded oral fixated Arab/ Muslim/ hijab 🧕 Slut wife/ or single Arab slut female in Springfield, Worcester or Boston Massachusetts areas.
Have your cuckold husband, boyfriend or master if you are a female slave who is owned .
Let’s chat 💬 maybe more in person if possible.
Old College Friends College Friends Wanted to Cuckold Me
I wish these were my college buddies fucking my wife like this. Paul, Colin, Kyle, Mike F, Mike P, Matt. If you guys like this kind of stuff hit us up. I'd love to fluff and clean up a bi cuckold gangbang.Discreet if you'd like it to be. She'll be game and I can be hands off or the tuba section slut. Cum get drained in San Diego!
I'm tired of my wife. I wish I had a submissive white wife. I would let her cuckold me anytime.
I am 38, married with kids, and in a cuckold relationship.
I do not even know how to explain the way it happened, so I will be as concise as possible. Our marriage was in lots of trouble, and I was ready to leave him, when he suggested "something" that might spice things up.
I thought it was some kind of a trap, but when he showed me this place, and the extent of his research on the subject, I kind of went with it, without thinking anything would really ever happen. It did reignite our non existent sex life, and I thought, maybe he does deserve a second chance.
Then he suggested one of his friends as a bull. I was shocked. How would he even talk to him about it. But he is hot, I had a thought or two about how handsome he is, even before this idea came up, and, at that point, my husband was the most pathetic human being on earth, and I decided to divorce him, again.
In my anger, I said yes, reasoning like - if it is all over, I might as well go out with a bang.
I felt great deal of remorse, when the night came, but soon as he showed up, with his commanding presence, everything changed.
Sex was amazing, so amazing, that I forgot my husband was there. So I said to myself - maybe one more time, before I go...
This June, it will be four years since we started doing this, and it just got better in time. He got rougher, stopped using condoms, and it is getting more and more degrading, and, we all have some things hidden inside of us, but I never guessed mine was liking this kind of stuff.
I am an ugly woman, I have been that way all of my life, and I had a few man blowing off steam with me, but never at this level.
Slapping, spitting, hair pulling, name calling, and lately, he is demeaning to him too. He once asked him to "look at his whore wife" while cumming on my face. The other time, he told him, "he is gonna make him cry, when he sees what he will do to the mother of his children".
Obviously, this whole thing made me lose any remaining crumbs of respect I had for my husband, and myself, actually, and I am just waiting for this to play out, as soon as it does, I am off.
Why am I still here, you might ask? Because, if this wasn't a thing, and so taboo, a man like him wouldn't even give me a second glance. It might sound superficial, but all of this is. And that is it.
So, I am a cuckold husband. Has been that way for some time now. We are both enjoying the lifestyle a lot. One month the wife came to me and said that she had a challenge for me. I was to stay caged for a whole month and if I could last that long, I would be rewarded at the end of the month. Well, can't let something like that not go challenged. So, I accepted. It was tough going the whole 30 days in a cage. Unable to get hard or get off. Having the wife tell me about her date with her bull. Sheesh. The last 5 days or so was the worse. Wife would tease me nightly, touch my cage, play with my balls to get me all hot and bothered because she knows I like that. But I held out.
Day 30 came FINALLY. That afternoon we talked, and she said, your reward is set up for completing the challenge. Be ready to go tonight by 7. All I could say was ok. So, I did as I was told, I was showered and ready to go by the assigned time. We went to the other side of town. A place where they sell adult toys, movies and everything else in that field. I questioned myself but did not let it out yet why we were there. I just followed her.
We walked thru a curtain covered doorway, down a hallway that got darker the further we went. Through another door and we were in a dimly lit room. There were two doors on one wall, one on the wall next to it and two matching doors on the opposite wall. The wife opened the door that was all alone. Come on she said.
We stepped in and the room was about the size of a bathroom stall with a red-light overhead. She said take everything from the waist down off. I did as I was told. Standing there half naked, she opened the door opposite of the door we used to step in this tiny area. She said go. I stepped in a space no larger than a phone booth. There was no light, just a dark unknown. She told me to turn around and face her. So, I did. She grabbed my cage, took the key off that was around her neck, then proceeded to align the key and keyhole up. Took a couple attempts being as it was dark.
She found it, I heard and felt the key go in, her hand twists the key and remove the lock. She slipped the cage off my cock and opened and removed the ring. It was like a breath of fresh air for my cock. I felt her lean close in this dark closet feeling space, I could feel her face close to mine, so I leaned forward to better accommodate her being there was a height difference. I felt her hand grab my balls, she squeezed them and asked, "they are nice and full, aren't they?"
I told her "Yes and I needed to empty them so bad". She then whispered "here is your chance to get what you need. Right through that hole in the wall, you will get what you deserve."
We were at a glory hole. OMG I so couldn't believe what she's done for me. My heart started pounding with excitement. She kissed my cheek and told me that she already told them what I liked. Rules are only groin parts are allowed through the hole; I must knock on the wall before I cum and I am not allowed to communicate with the person on the other side of the wall. I felt her turn around, step out and closed the door behind her.
Never have I ever, at least up to that point. But I knew how they worked. I have seen the internet. My cock was just getting acclimated to being set free and by balls from not being drained in 30 days were quite tender to the touch. The hole was an oval shape maybe measured 10 inches top to bottom and 5 inches wide. It was surprisingly accommodating to where it was located as it allowed someone of my average height to be able to walk right up to it without needing adjustment.
I stepped up to the hole and placed my cock and balls through the opening and into the unknown. About shoulder height there were handles affixed to the wall to hold on to. So, after adjusting my hips as close to the wall and placing my package as far in as I could, I grabbed the handles and had no clue what to expect.
I felt a cold hand firmly grab my balls (I have gotten quite a few statements and been told I have big balls too). My eyes rolled back in my head and all I could think was She did tell them what I liked. I like my balls to be played with, firm hard pressure used, some squeezing, but no pulling. The hand on the other end of the opening did all of the above for my likes.
I could feel attention from one hand go from the left side, then the right. Then another cold hand joined, and both were getting attention at the same time. My cock, being it was set free just minutes prior, quickly while my balls were getting the attention let it be known he wanted to get some attention too.
It felt so amazing for my cock to be able to be free and get hard. It knew it was at its max hardness when it felt like all the blood in my cock was building pressure in the head of my cock. Now it is not porn star size, average length and slightly thicker than average. So, I have been told. Now all the attention and playing with my balls which were now super sensitive to the touch, made them hurt, but in a good way. Then suddenly everything on the other end stopped.
For what seemed like forever, which was a mere couple seconds. No attention was being given to anything. Then I felt a sudden grab of a hand on my balls, and both were placed in said hand and equal, tight, firm squeezing pressure was applied to both of them at the same time.
No sooner did my balls scream with pleasure I felt a mouth touch the tip of my cock. I felt the tongue lick the precum off the tip. Then I felt two lips wrap wound my head and the mouth swallowed down my whole cock. I nearly passed out from how good that felt. The warmth, suction of the mouth and firm grip on my balls all combined felt absolutely amazing.
The mouth went to work. Up to the head and then back down to the base. Over and over the mouth got in a rhythm. Started off slow and with every half dozen cycle of up and down, the mouth went faster. It wasn't but a quick 60 to 90 seconds and the mouth working my cock was moving up and down as fast as it could go. The hand gripping my balls continued to keep that amazing firm grip on them and never let loose.
I could feel the tingling in my balls, and I knew exactly what was on its way. It built like a volcano with a cork in it. I could feel it working from my balls up to my cock, through my shaft to the tip of my cock. My whole body screamed with joy as this was going to be the first time in 30 days, I was able to release my load.
I knocked on the wall as I knew it was there and wasn't going to take but a fraction of a second to show its face. As soon as I did that, the hand on my balls tightened its grip on my balls even more. Then it was as if someone had a loudspeaker and played that ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh sound over it.
BOOM I shot my first rope from my cock. First one in 30 days. As soon as that first rope left the tip of my cock, the mouth stopped on the head. Didn't move but proceeded to apply a suction on the tip of my cock that I think would out do a Hoover vacuum. I think the mouth wanted to suck my soul out of my body through the tip of my cock. It felt absolutely amazing, and I was unable to speak or even breathe to object to what the mouth was doing.
Time felt as if it stood still for eternity. But was a good 20-30 seconds of me having my orgasm and emptying my built-up load and the mouth on the other end of the opening doing what it was doing. The mouth never broke suction once I knocked on the wall and slowly released as the pulses in my cock slowed down. Now that I was back on earth, my heart pounding in my chest, a little winded and catching my breathe.
The mouth released its grip on the tip of my cock. The hand released its grip on my balls. I pulled my hips away from the wall but still holding on to the handles as I was not sure if I would be steady and able to stand. After a few seconds and I knew I was ok, I let go. The opening had a faint red-light glow coming from it, then all I heard was click and it went dark. Leaving to me a mystery as to whom the mouth and hand belonged to on the other side.
I turned and stepped out of this phone booth sized room and into the previous room the size of a bathroom stall. All my removed garments were neatly on the chair right outside the door. I gathered them and got dressed. Once getting dressed I sat in the chair that I had just taken the clothes off of to wrap my brain around what exactly just happened. As it was something that was utterly mind blowing.
I heard a light knock, knock on the door. The wife peeked her head in, and we locked eyes. I know I had a huge smile on my face, she returned the smile back and asked if I was done and ready to go. I told her yes. I stood up and said what a surprise and I needed that again. She looked at me and asked, "Oh really?"
An excited "YES" left my lips.
"Good" she replied back and pulled from her purse my cage. "Get back in this and we will see if you deserve it" she told me. I obeyed and let her place my cage back on and lock me up.
It was nearly 3 weeks later, and the wife had a date with her bull. He came in the bedroom as the wife was getting ready as he has a key to the house and is able to let himself in as he needs to. We were mid discussion and as he walked in, I was stating that it has nearly been a month and how I hoped I was worthy enough to get a surprise like I did the last time for staying caged for the 30 days.
Her bull stopped and looked at me with this WHAT look on his face. He looked at my wife who was just finishing getting ready for their date. As he looked at her, he giggled and as he did, he said "You didn't tell him?" My wife instantly turned red.
"SHHHUUUSSSHHHHH" was a quick reply she gave back to him.
I perked up, "WHAT?" I asked in a worried tone.
They both locked eyes. A giggle came from the bull, while a worried giggle came from my wife.
Then they both looked at me and from her bulls mouth came the words "Dude, the blow job you got, that your wife set up. Well that I set up. That was a guy on the other end of that hole. HAHAHA" he started laughing as if the punch line of a joke was just told.
I looked at my wife in ABSOLUTE SHOCK and we locked eyes. All she did was shake her head in an up and down motion with the reply of yes.
They both as I sat there in the chair in our room, started to giggle. Her bull walked up to her and wrapped his arm around my wife and the proceeded to exit the room, with frequent giggles leaving their mouths as they walked through the house on their way out the door.
I sat there with my heart which was now in my feet and my brain trying to wrap around what was just told to me. Confused and alone not knowing what to do next, what to feel or what to say.........
Black man seeking a friendly, new to the BDSM & BNWO movement + looking 👀 for a kinky India 🇮🇳 couple living in , near Windsor and Enfiled Connecticut USA 🇺🇸.
im looking for a shy buy adventurous couple who wife wants to cuck her husband in real life in 2025
a Indian wife who wants to dress up slutty and do sexual things for her black man while husband picks out her slut wear to go out in.
Dm me if you are a Desi/Indian🇮🇳 Couple or single divorced woman looking for a black man in Massachusetts and Connecticut. ( cuckold training)
Any any Indian 🇮🇳wives here in western Massachusetts into cuckolding and black men?
let’s see if your wife is ready
I’m a traveling black man who is actually seeking a BBW couple living in , near the Enfield Connecticut/ Conn, Mass state line.
im hoping to find a non jealous laid back, beer drinking, weed smoking cuckold husband, boyfriend or master who is actually interested, looking for a black man to teach , train his slut wife’s, slave female or willing adult female family member how to lose/ control her gag reflex, let a black dick take your throat virginity and breath away.
or a wife/ slave female who wants to show off to her husband/ master on how good she can get face fucked, into puke blowjobs & deep throat breath play with a black man.
Dm me if you have a wife who needs/wants to become a sloppy, messy throat pig/ throat slave and receives no mercy skull fyck training and practice.
Ready to faint. Puke ?
Black daddy 50 years young is looking for a traumatized, broken, depressed women (22-60)
who are living in near Palmer/Ware Massachusetts USA 🇺🇸 areas and is curious/ interested in Anal therapy sessions.
I’m looking for a non jealous, laid back , easy to be around, easy to talk to type cuckold husband, boyfriend who absolutely loves/wants to see his wife, girlfriend, slave female receive throat and anal therapy sessions.
im looking for kinky, open minded hillbilly /country/ farm / trailer park Cuck couples & single, divorced women in the New Hampshire, Western Massachusetts areas (Warren , Ware MA)
Dm me if interested
We are married for almost 17 years, and, a few years back, we had a crisis in bed, so we tried experimenting, with different things. It helped a lot, but I felt like she was the one feeling like she was missing out on something.
So, one thing led to another, and we decided to try to introduce someone into our bed. That was my idea, not because I wanted it, but because I felt that was something she was curious about. I was reluctant, and I am no cuckold type, so I tried leading this idea towards some kind of swinging, or something in that realm. Never went to a swing club, but we did entertain the idea of another couple.
This lasted for months, but eventually, we found a couple we wanted to meet, and they seemed nice. Met a couple of times, and eventually, after many hours of online chatting, and role play, we kind of agreed on swapping, but only if we feel comfortable.
We met at their place, all four scared out of our minds, but alcohol helped. They were the pushy side, since they have done it before, and there she was, this short, big ass brunette, on her knees, pulling out my cock, while he was licking my wife on the bed.
It was hot, but man, I felt bad seeing that, I felt anger, and disgust. She was still sucking me, when he climbed on top of my wife. I couldn't look, so I focused on a woman sucking my cock, and she was going at it. I think no more than a few minutes passed, and I heard him gasping for air. He was done. When he got out, I saw he was really tiny, and with a condom on his cock, he looked even smaller. Dissapointment on my wife's face...
She got a condom on me, and started to ride me. I haven't fucked with a condom for almost 20 years, so soon enough, I felt I can last for ages. So I did. She came twice during it, but didn't give up. He left the room, but my wife was still there, on the bed. I could see the jealousy in her eyes. That look of hers, made me cum, not the woman on top of me.
We rode back home in silence. When we pulled up, she just told me, that she understands why they need something like that, but that we certainly do not.
And that was it, my wife was never again dissatisfied with our sex life. She saw that the grass is not greener on the other side.
In retrospect, going out of our comfort zone, may be the thing that saved our marriage.