Confession time.
I have been into raceplay, race humilation and misogyny for as long as i can remember having erections. Doesnt matter your ethnic background really... I'll humiliate you for being fucking test tube baby some mad nazi dentist dreamed up in the Chilean Mountains.
Nazis... Nazis... I had something about... Oh that's right! Arent they cute? I'm putting Aryan Nazi bitches to the front of the line. So if you masturbate in goose step, or a snazzy uniform, sharpie your upper lip as a fashion statement, laugh at canned laughter sitcoms or wet your panties at the smell of an oven heating up... Lets chat
Oh yeah confederate white is fine as well i just figured with such close families n all... Lotta fuckin branches on those family trees....
Oh yeah. I'm Jewish and Irish so I'm fucking hilarious.