Looking for like minded friend
It's a secret
Midwest, USA
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Dec 17th, 2018
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Feb 7th 2024
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Hi - call me Will. I have returned to this site after a while being gone. I am a creative and kind guy. I like to chat and roleplay with men or women. I am bi-sexual, inclined to be submissive and I love nudity and masturbation. I would like to meet like minded folks - for online friendship.
I want to add that I love the arts. I was trained as a classical musician and I love music, dance, theater and visual arts. I feel that the arts are a reflection of human life and need to reflect all dimensions of human life in order to be valid. And then they can speak powerfully. I am also into theology and philosophy. I am religious - but have been exploring various dimensions of Paganism and how devotion to the pagan gods intersects with sexuality. Happy to chat about that!
I am married but this is a complex situation. Happy to share with friends.
My pics with me a collection of art, drawings, cartoons and photos that I have collected. Except for the pics of me, I didn't create the art but they are out on the internet. I am happy to remove if it is yours and you don't want it displayed.These are the pics I find hot and want to share. I also really enjoy bottomless women and vintage pics. I will post some of those pics that I have collected as well.
I want to add that I love the arts. I was trained as a classical musician and I love music, dance, theater and visual arts. I feel that the arts are a reflection of human life and need to reflect all dimensions of human life in order to be valid. And then they can speak powerfully. I am also into theology and philosophy. I am religious - but have been exploring various dimensions of Paganism and how devotion to the pagan gods intersects with sexuality. Happy to chat about that!
I am married but this is a complex situation. Happy to share with friends.
My pics with me a collection of art, drawings, cartoons and photos that I have collected. Except for the pics of me, I didn't create the art but they are out on the internet. I am happy to remove if it is yours and you don't want it displayed.These are the pics I find hot and want to share. I also really enjoy bottomless women and vintage pics. I will post some of those pics that I have collected as well.
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